Applying composite veneers, also known as resin veneers or “bonding”, are a relatively inexpensive method of directly applying tooth coloured material to teeth, a true art form favoured by Dr Yvonne King. The skillful application of composite resin can seamlessly restore small chips, cracks, and can rectify the overall shape and colour of teeth, creating a natural, full and straight smile.
Composite veneers are advantageous over porcelain veneers as they are layered onto the tooth directly in the mouth, without a need for impressions and dental laboratories, reducing the costs. The dentist also has full control over the aesthetic design and appearance of the smile, and can be easily modified.
Dr Yvonne King has a passion for crafting naturally beautiful looking composite veneers, creating true works of art for her patients to enjoy for years to come.
For further information on how you too could create life changing results for your patients, please contact our programme coordinator on 1300 375 464.