Dr Yvonne King has trained fellow dentists in the art of ceramic veneer techniques for over 10 years.
Porcelain veneers are possibly one of the most well known aesthetic dental procedures. Also known as caps, porcelain veneers are thin ceramic restorations which are bonded to the front surfaces of each tooth to cover cracks, staining, chips, fill gaps between teeth, and in some cases address the appearance of missaligned or crooked teeth. Designed to look like natural tooth enamel, when light hits these translucent veneers, the teeth have a beautiful lustre that emulates the presence of enamel and underlying opaque dentin.
Dr King has been performing smile makeovers using the highest quality porcelain veneers for almost three decades. The provision of veneers occurs over two appointments. The first consultation includes the preparation of tooth surfaces to receive veneers, and impressions taken to be sent to the dental laboratory for fabrication. The second visit occurs once the completed veneers are returned from the dental ceramist, in this visit the veneers are positioned and bonded onto the teeth using a special dental cement.
Informing your patient: Caring for their new Smile
Modern porcelain veneers are wafer-thin, yet extremely durable, engineered to withstand the normal conditions experienced in the mouth, including the pressure of chewing and biting. Though like natural teeth, care must be taken when eating harder foods, and habits such as teeth grinding or pen chewing must be addressed, coupled with a serious commitment to ongoing dental hygiene, to ensure veneers are maintained in their best possible condition.
Porcelain Veneers by Dr Yvonne King
See more examples of Porcelain Veneers in our Smile Gallery.
Would you like to learn more about Porcelain Veneers?
If you would like more information about training in provision of porcelain veneers or any other aesthetic dental treatments, please do not hesitate to email or phone our programme coordinator on 1300 375 464